New looks

28/10/2020 –

So yesterday I went to the market and bought this hair dyeing kit.. not sure why, but I decided to paint my hair blonde. I think that whenever someone decides to change their life, habits or whatever, the looks are also an important step towards that. I’m not sure where I’m going, but I’ve always tried to imagine if I were born blonde. Well, instructions were a tad unclear, now I have a banana-ish yellow head..

Anyway, today I had a very pleasant train ride whilst going to the north of the city. The NKR bought this new double-decker train serving Solchuk-Berestraultz, going all the way from the port up to the Gare Centrale, Rédun then all the way up through the coast. Since I was visiting Marie at the Nefasta Profana, I decided to buy the discount one-way ticket to the Botanical Gardens, a mere 4.40 Nip (~$1.50).. it was quite full, by the way. There is an office like space on the upper deck, with mini metallic round tables where you can use a computer while enjoying the view.. and the fresh new smell of the train is quite pleasant too. Talking about trains, I really like the Botanical Gardens station, the really big metallic-glass roofing, stretching all the way to the top in a semi-circle.. very ample, even though there is not much people using it in a daily-basis.. some might say it is a waste of public money, but being an aesthetically pleasant public building, then it is a work of art.. open to everyone. So, kudos for that.
